Friday, May 04, 2007

another of my first...again!!!!!!!!

i m goin thru a lotz of first this year....... this time is my first traffic ticket.........this was a parking violation i recieved back on february n today was the court day......... the offense was i parked on the kerb and the story was it was a event day n everyone was parked everywhere.... n right benaeath the no parking board n funny tht he didnt get a tkt..... what to do...karma!!!!!!!!!!
as i was saying went to the court and pleaded guilty on the offense thou i wanted to plead not gulity n contest the ticket but lazyness to come again n mayb what my friends usually accuses me of..doesnt care how i spend money.........anyways i paid 40$ as it being my first offense.........
hopefully wilb more careful................