Tuesday, April 22, 2008

crap!!!!!!!!!!! time is runnning....

god i dunno when i m gonna change.... everything in my life is like this, last minute desperate attempt to finish off things which i have to do... this time its my thesis...he he he i knw it sounds BIG... but to me its been another of my smething for the heck of it.... i dunno....is it???i m supposed to have spend 3 years of my life for this... anyways i have njoyed my stay in LSU.... n smething to show for tht mayb....
anyways i have scheduled my defense date to b may12th but i m not really sure tht i can do on tht day.... if its not it will b a month later as members of my committee wilb on break one by one for a month..... lets c what happens.....anyways this all whats happenin to me... late nite in lab n sleep all day..... nothing else....no play n nothin....aah plays cricket now every saturday...so thts a new thing.... thts all.....veendum sandhikyum vare nammovaagam...

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

happy april fool's day...

jst noticed tht today is the april fool's day...... have heard abt great stories of people trying to pull prank on others.... i njoy pranks but everything has a limit n i strongly believe everyone shuld keep to the limits....

here i am

lazy lazy...how lazy am i??? if there is a scale to measure it... i m sure i m gonna get close to maximum..... anyways here i m back again to scribble down something...
first i m plannin to start with a tag by one of school time friends, jiby and this tag is from his bog hope springs eternal so here goes....
1. LAST MOVIE YOU SAW IN A THEATER: Kathaparayumbol... i watched it jst the day before n its a special one to me... not only bcos it was a good one but its my first mallu movie on a screen in US...( another of my first to the list)...the movie was abt a barber in a interior parts of kerala n his principles n suffering in the life... the film has been perfectly conveyed to the audience with right mix of comedy n sentiments...
2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? i hate reading novels of any sort.... my favorite...COMICS.... started collecting ARCHIES.... i knw its kiddish...but thts what i guess i m smetimes....
3. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? it used to stamp collection.. its like monopoly but related with stamps.... now love to play monopoly but no company at all....
4. FAVORITE MAGAZINE? reader's digest... my grandpa has a very good collection of reader's digest dating from 1975...so was growin up reading all those.....then India Today....
5. FAVORITE SMELLS? smell of dry earth as the first drop of monsoon rain comes down..... i miss KERALA....
6. FAVORITE SOUND? sound of the frying pan in a thattukadda...when the guy puts in dosa maavu or breaks a egg on it to make omlette....he he he FOOD is the main factor....tht too wen ur soo hungry......its sound from heaven....
7. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD?to be alone wen u need to talk to someone......
8. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE? depends...if its work or other stuff... crap sooo fast...... n if its like i get early to travel somewhere or do something xcitin... xcited n happy.....
9. FAVORITE FAST FOOD PLACE? thattukada anytime.... but now....in US....nothing like favorite... depends on the craving at tht time....
10. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME?not thght abt it.... as i dont think abt stuffs not more than 1 or 2 years ahead........ but for the question...i like the name adam
11. FINISH THIS STATEMENT. "IF I HAD A LOT OF MONEY I'D...?" put it in the bank.. n forget abt it and after some years wen i feel i m done with work...i would luv to take that money n travel around the world........
12. DO YOU DRIVE FAST? ya i do at times... i luv driving....rarely drives fast in car...but i certainly have with my motorbike.... had some crazy times during college life
13. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL?noooooo...... but i need a pillow....
14. STORMS-COOL OR SCARY?coooool..... i love it wen there is lightnin n thunder...
15. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR?1994 honda civic...manual... luved the car...but had to sell it last month...
16. FAVORITE DRINK?water if it qualifies...otherwise coconut water....
17. FINISH THIS STATEMENT, "IF I HAD THE TIME I WOULD .....get more sleep....
19. IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR CHOICE?.... none...i dont like to dye...besides i would love to gray gracefully...
20. NAME ALL THE DIFFERENT CITIES/TOWNS YOU HAVE LIVED IN..angamaly,trivandrum, alwaye,baton rouge..... got vague memories of angamaly where i grew up.. i loved trivandrum for its not so rush roads and my vagabond life during college, alwaye was where i went for my first job... and baton rouge, US is special bcos of LSU
21. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? football(soccer...manchester united in particular)... and now started to watch american football...
22. ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU...jiby, knw him from the tuition classes bak in school days... guess i knw a bit abt him from reading his blogs... luv his intrest to travel...
23. WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED?nothing as i sleep on a mattress on the floor....
24. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE BORN AS YOURSELF AGAIN?...aaah i dont knw....
25. MORNING PERSON, OR NIGHT OWL? aaah not really matters...as i need to get my proper sleep... will wake up early n can stay awake late nite
26. OVER EASY, OR SUNNY SIDE UP? sunnny side up
27. FAVORITE PLACE TO RELAX? somatheeram beach back in trivandrum...
28. FAVORITE PIE? I hate pies.
29. FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR?chocolate at any time of the day... loves to have ice cream on a cold day... n the favorite ice cream place in cold stone and the german chokolate cake there...