Monday, October 01, 2007

i was pulled over......

yesterday i was pulled over by the campus police in nite.... i was returnin frm eatin at burger king and i saw the flashin lites behind me jst us i entered the campus.... i was thinkin did i jump the stop sign??or did i speed??oooh ya gettin a speedin ticket goin in 30mph wilb the horriblest things tht can happen to me when i have driven at 110 n 120 without a tkt...... the cop guy pulled behind me with his search lite n asked me to come out with my license,regist n insurance.... n as i walked towards the back of my car to the front of cop car, i heard my name thru his radio being said in the best possible way they can pronounce.... they checked my license plate n already did the cross check tht it wasnt stolen or smehting....... the big cop guy came towards me checked my license.. n asked if i was a student n where i stay... i said my address and showed my school id..... he asked if i had sme weapons n i almost tht too carrying a gun....nonsense.....he asked if i knew y i was pulled over i said no..... he said i dont have any tail lights..... then i noticed my tail lights are gone..... i thght oooh ya here comes a ticket in a platter...... i tried to reason with him.....which according to my profs i m tooooooo good..... i said i didnt knw i jst saw it n i will get it fixed soon n all i could think at tht time.... he said he was supposed to issue me a tkt n i need to take it garage n get it fixed n bring it bak to court to get it checked n get my tkt off...... i said please sir dont do tht.....he said how will i trust u... i pleaded to him with what all promises i can make....n he some how said ( mayb he felt sorry cing a innocent face of mine he he he ) he will let me go but he will follow me to my apartment till i park it n promise not to take it out in dark again till i get it fixed...... i gladlyt accepted the offer.... n i was given police escort till my apartment.... once there he left only after i locked my car n a word tht this is the first time he is so forgivin mind.....THANK GOD........ i said thanks n waved him off.....phew tht was close.... n a tkt would have made my list complete of a torturing week.....
i always liked the flashin lites...but yesterday i understood tht i dont like it anymore when i see it in my rearview mirror!!!!!!!!


AnneK said...

We got a ticket on this trip. I think we were caught by the only cop in the state of AZ. And thank God we only get caught when we are speeding the least. This time it was only 81 at a 65 zone.

vishaka said...

Oh secay, am checking your blog a bit too late i guess... didnt know and it was fun reading ur incident. good luck in future

Thas said...

Ur one lucky guy...for not getting the ticket..anyways i too got the opportunity to pull over for speeding, tht too n the max speed of 95, hahaha, nd also it was on newyrs eve,on the way to the most incredible Vegas, oh yaa..agn, got the ticket, nd didnt know hw muchwas the fine, so just ignored it nd njoyed the newys eve( else it wuld have spoiled my whole vegas newyrs eve) so after a month thre came the most awaited fine letter, seeing the 3 fiqure number(thank god its only 3 fiquered), my eyeballs almost came out( as n cartoons :p)..tried writing a letter to the judge describing so humbly, abt my trip to the most incredible Vegas nd the reasons tht made me drive so fast, unfortunately it got rejected nd had to pay the fine...there goes some gud amount of dollars frm my wallet, phewww....nw dont ask me hw much was it...after ths incident in no time i ordered a laser detector and placed on my dashboard, nw tht whever 'K, Ka Band" beeps, i know cops r somewhere n tht vicinity..nd i slows down accordingly...nw dont think i got this to violate the rule nd drive fast, i truly appreciate ths system here which makes driving so safe nd fun...being local to chicago, sometimes its so hard to keep up the speed limit, nd if ur gonna have more road trips nd travel having this is worthful, trust me. So drive safe nd have fun !!

Also..its gud to get a ticket atleast once n a lifetime hehe !!